Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Sharp increase in divorce cases

A total of 400 cases relating to divorce were received by Rawalpindi Cantonment Board's arbitration court -- compared to 271 the year before.
The court reconciled 41 of the cases requesting the couples wanting separation to get united again. Statistics show young couples file for separation on various grounds and resist efforts for reconciliation.
Giving his viewpoint on the sharp rise in divorce rate, the vice-president of the Rawalpindi Cantonment Board (RCB)Shaikh Zahid Amin, who is also an arbitrator, described the major reason for differences among couples unmatched marriages that were arranged by their parents.
According to him first three years of a marriage were very important because it had been notice the new couples file for divorce for not being able to adjust with partners due to the different circumstances and asking of married life.
Monetary issues, he maintained, also contributed to separations, observing that promises made before the marriage were often not fulfilled.
Referring to middle class, he cited the joint family system as the reason leading to divorce because the woman did not receive proper attention of her husband.
The couples from upper class , according to Mr Amin, filed for divorce just because that did not have mutual understanding and they also resisted reconciliation efforts.
In majority of the case, he added, mothers' behaviour led to divorces because they interfered and influenced on their children after the marriage.

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